Most of my adult life, I have been involved in education. I taught for others, in my own classroom, worked as a Special Education Aide, coached three middle school sports and even worked as a crossing guard for a year. My latest stint was volunteering in a kindergarten class. Bottom line is I've spent a ton of time around children.
The other day I went to the pool and very much enjoyed watching four preteen girls play. One was definitely in charge; acting as both writer and director of their skit.. She informed one friend that she was a wolf that had been raised by her, a human. Another girl kid was involved somehow but the fourth girl, who was obviously younger, was kind of left out of the story.
Her plan to work her way back into the group was to circle them, crying out that she was 'the baby.' She circled the wolf-child and the other two girls several times until finally the writer/director took notice. She told Baby that she had on water wings and was just learning to swim. Baby took her cue and did her take on baby-swimming-with-water-wings. The wolf and girls continued their game until Baby again interrupted. Writer/Direct narrated as Baby acted things out; she said, "Oh, now you take off your water wings and start to drown but I save you." Baby, who had originally been left out, ended up lighting up the pool/stage. The kids' story ended and they soon left with their moms.
I wasn't expecting what happened next. Soon after the girls/moms were gone, a heard of children enter the pool area. As the group set up fairly close to where I sat, I watched. There was four to seven (they seemed to come and go) older kids who might have been 15-17 years old. And with them was twenty or more smaller kids. They seemed to be toddlers up to about ten years old.
As the teens applied sunscreens to the children there seemed to be a plan. The tots knew who to go to for their lube job as each teen slathered up many littles. As the kid were dismissed by their applicators, they immediately got in the water. So far so good.
A few minutes in, a little boy, three or four years old, sporting a set of connected water wings scampered by me. Hopping around like he needed to relieve himself, the jumping bean approached one of the teenage girls. He told her several times he had to go to the bathroom. Finally, she seemed to understand and pointed in the direction of the bathrooms and turned and walked away.
The little boy was flummoxed. He followed the teen and told her again that he had to pee. She seemed as confused as the kid. She didn't know he needed the wings removed and that her job most likely included leading him to a toilet. He must have indicated that help was needed because she finally took off his flotation device and led him to the restroom door. I was proud of her.
Then, when all the littles were in the pool, the teens applied their own sun screen. They appeared fairly responsible. But then I noticed a teenage boy who was playing with a young girl. She seemed shy and lucky to have the attention of one of the big boys but that good feeling soon vanished. The teenager was trying to engage her in a splash game but she didn't seem that into it. His banter ran non stop and he seemed to be telling her what she was feeling and how he expected her to respond.
Then he pushed a wave a water forcefully into her unsuspecting face. She was flabbergasted! She was on the edge of tearing up but he laughed out loud and told her, once again, to splash him. She didn't seem to enjoying his company very much but he never left her side and his banter never stopped. Finally, she seemed to disengage and was able to join another group. I was relieved.
The teacher in me had wanted to intervene but I didn't quite know what to do. I may not have it in me anymore. I didn't even search for those kids when I got back in the pool to cool off. By then, there were so many swimmers in the pool I just sat on some steps in shallower water. I wasn't there long before I decided to call Dan for a golf cart ride home. He was on the neighbor hood mini course but I was done with children and wanted to go home.
When I didn't reach him on a second attempt I decided to walk home and I did.
When I didn't reach him on a second attempt I decided to walk home and I did.
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