Tuesday, July 30, 2019

DNA, B and C

I had to do it. A niece did it and found no Native American stuff, at all, even though by my calculation she should have had some.

Let's figure it out. My mom Shirley always claimed Native heritage because her father, John Baptiste Fournier, was 1/2 Assiniboine; Native Canadian. He thought of himself, a half breed and rightfully hated the words.  He was one of several children and because his single mom could no longer feed them, he was shipped off to an orphanage. I cannot even imagine how I would be able to make such a choice but she chose him as the oldest boy. Therefor one of his parents needed to be full Assiniboine.  I heard this 'story' throughout my life and I never imagined my great grandmother as a Native woman. If that's the case, my mother's father's father was Native. I'll have to ask my cousin, maybe she will know; but I doubt it.

The story goes, "Johnny ran from the orphanage and kept going." He eventually settled in Montana and opened the Coral Bar and Johnny's Barbershop which is now Moose's Saloon. Mom said he was French Canadian Indian, and described him as a 'dandy' who bootlegged his way to Montana during prohibition. The pictures of him I've seen prove this to be true; he was a man devoted to style, neatness and fashion and I thought he looked native.

If my grandpa was half native, my mom was a quarter and I should be 1/8th or 12 1/2 %. I am not. If I believe my DNA test then 43% of me is from England. Wales and Northwestern Europe, 22% is from Norway, 19% from Sweden and 17% from France.

I'll put that report away now.

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