Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ice Cream

Yeah, I like ice cream, but is not the like it's really ice cream weather.  I just spent the day, at a high school Freshman track meet, colder than anytime I can remember.  Not that my memory is great, mind you, but I think I would remember being this miserable.  The kids held up well, though, so I did my best to at least appear OK.  The meet's done, and the two hour bus ride was quiet.  They are just Freshmen girls and haven't yet come into their own volume-wise on return bus trips.  It's cold here, in Montana, and a friend was expecting ice cream.  He travelled with me to the emergency room two Fridays ago, and had feigned disappointment because there had been no ice cream. He shared his disappointed in finding none...loudly. Odd yes, but looking back, I realize that he was trying to lighten things up, and perhaps get me to laugh.   My apologies for inconveniencing him fell on deaf ears, though.  An apology was not needed, he said, but I could damn well make sure he got the ice cream he had been expecting!  It hasn't been warm enough to properly enjoy a frozen treat, but we have a tentative "ice cream" date tomorrow.  I've given up analyzing the situation, and if we get together for ice cream, that would just be a bonus.

The Veery

It took some convincing but I was allowed to drive, alone, to visit a very old friend at her cabin, the Veery, outside Great Falls. Althou...