I titled a previous post, "Boise or Bust," and am happy to report we did not bust. We did not, however, end up in Boise. We settled ten miles West in a town called Eagle. We bought the first house I found on the Internet, once my search had real intent behind it.
West Striker Lane is in a development with three nicely manicured and maintained, practice golf holes with pars of three, four and five. Dan plays two or three golf balls at once and plays the three holes several times. He likes it when I ride along in the golf cart but it is not just used for golf.

The Legacy development, has two swimming pools; one very close. That's where the golf cart comes in! Even though the pool is within site, it is too far for me to walk to comfortably so Dan uses it to chauffeur me.
I had all kinds of plans to make myself an exercise routine which included riding my recumbent bike and doing stuff in the pool (something I have done on and off since my accident in 1991,) but it has not happened. I have certainly enjoyed the time spent at the pool but have only actually exercised a few times. But I have an other exercise favorite; my recumbent 3 wheeler. In Kalispell I biked with my buddy Justin who is a very old friend. He is one of the reason I am such an enthusiastic triker. We started riding from Kalispell to Kila and the ant family, then from Kalispell to Somer's and Del's Bar for beers and cheese bread.

We rode going to the Sun in Glacier and came up the back side too. Our longest ride was around Lake Koocanusa, almost! We were asked to call it quits about 10 miles short of the end. We rode for several hours on the road, in the sun, but it was getting late. Glad it was their call, not ours.
No more Justin but I have been lucky to reconnect with another old friend Donna. We taught together back when I lived in Boise and now that I have a second recumbent trike it's been great to ride with her. The second recumbent is for Dan and that still may happen in the future but as of today he has made it out once. I won't give up.
No more Justin but I have been lucky to reconnect with another old friend Donna. We taught together back when I lived in Boise and now that I have a second recumbent trike it's been great to ride with her. The second recumbent is for Dan and that still may happen in the future but as of today he has made it out once. I won't give up.

Donna is in fact my new Justin. We ride, lunch and swim together often and I'm so lucky she puts up with me. No accidents, for either of us yet, but we wonder if we really are safe together. Neither one of us can read a map worth a dam but we bring Serie along for help.
But wait. That's not all! My daughter and her fiance Joe live around the corner. Yes, they age getting hitched so we are glad we're so close.
But wait. That's not all! My daughter and her fiance Joe live around the corner. Yes, they age getting hitched so we are glad we're so close.
Bonus: Brit and her mom are joining me to tie dye soon! I may post our creations.
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