Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bored Yet?

This is what people want to know now, and no, I am not bored.  I use to tell my 5th grade students Only boring people get bored.  One needs to create their own excitement, situations in which you might find happiness, learn a lesson, or help someone out.  The possibilities are endless, for those who are optimistic; few, for those who's glass is half empty.

My brain, at this point, is going 100 miles an hour, and I realize that I have never been very good at multitasking.  When I was working it was all encompassing, and my brain didn't deal well with much else. When my kids were school-aged and I was a new teacher,  I wasn't aware of this so I'd like to take a moment to apologize to them.  I'm sorry I was crazy.

I was busy trying to prove to myself and to everyone in my path, that I was just fine.  The head injury crash was way in the past, ten years or so.  I was left with a limp, and a wandering eye, but as far as I was concerned everything else was a A-OK!  My kids are grown now and they turned out OK.  Better than OK if one considers where they could be.  Maybe I wasn't as preoccupied as I think I was.

These are the things I no longer have to think about:

How will I get through the day?
How will I get through the year?
How can I make my job easier?
How can I change my thought process to make my job fulfilling?
Will I be here next year?
Where do I want to be?
How can I get to where I want to be?
What will I take for lunch?

And because I am free from these thoughts, my damaged brain can think about so much more!

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The Veery

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