Monday, January 25, 2010

On Older Women Dating

Yes, I'm talking about going out with somebody of the opposite sex, preferably near your age and not married. For the past several years, since my divorce, I have been out with several men, hoping to build another relationship. And I do mean BUILD, as we all carry many burdens with us at this time in our lives. Each person's has positive and negative issues, depending on from whose point of view the evaluation is written from. Seems that we are pretty well set in our ways as we've spent several years perfecting our own particular oddities. Most of us know just what we want, when we want it, and what kind of effort we are willing to expend to get it. We may not be willing to reinvent ourselves, but lots of us have the illusion that for the right person we might be able to make some concessions. We believe we can alter our course just enough to put ourselves in the position to experience things in unfamiliar ways. The fact is though, that most of us are just satisfied enough with our daily life, that unless we match up with the dude, or babe, from the dream we've fostered forever, no real hook up will be made. Maybe I'm different because I've had a head injury, and my memory is not all it used to be. I keep trying, and am willing to make small adjustments in order to have the companionship I long for. As a matter of fact, I was in a two year relationship with a great guy. Turns out, I had caught him on the rebound, and the only reason we had initially gotten together was because I had been proof that he still was able to attract an educated, fairly attractive gal. I did say fairly. Stay tuned!

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The Veery

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