Thursday, January 11, 2018

Really, I Wrote a Book

I went for years with the process of writing my memoir on hold. Then, I brought it out of hiding and posted some of it right here, on my blog. Then, it was if I were running a strange 400m hurdle race. I had started hard and fast, and then let myself find a good rhythm. Over on the backstretch I headed off the track to take a break. After some time I was prodded to get back in the race I was running against myself.

Kelly Simmons did the prodding and she, being an accomplished writer herself, had a voice I heard. I returned to my book and simply started at the beginning of my existence and I wrote. I wrote and I wrote more and then I continued to write until my brain could write no longer. I wrote parts to fill the empty spaces of my book and then added them to segments I had written years ago.  It started to take shape. Kelly did all she could to help me finish, then the baton was passed to Heidi Ostrom to edit and proofread. I thought I was done.

Then the publishing began and I realized there was more to do. Along with adding pictures to help tell my story, I wrote things for the back cover and even humbly bothered an old friend to make a request, "Say something nice about me." There were questions on the cover and I made one final change there but still I was not finished.

Finally, the publisher reformatted the whole shin tangle, and presented it to me in book form to proof read. I did so and marked the mistakes found which were then changed. Publisher Scott and I rechecked the book to make sure corrections had happened and he said, "Now, you're done!"

Scott continued by telling me that now I just waited. Therefore, I am. My anticipation brought me here to write this. He said the “Still Lexie” books would be ready in a week and a half to two weeks. Publisher Scott said he will contact news sources and they may call me for an interview. Finally, Kelly and Heidi said, "Still Lexie" is to be introduced by way of a book signing. That extravaganza will take place at Moose's Saloon. I have permission to host there; I just don't have a date yet.

These last few months have been the agonizing finish of the race I began ten years ago. I jumped back on the track at the 200 mark after releasing from the blocks quickly and running strong down the backstretch but from there the race became more difficult, as always. I had to maintain correct hurdle form and push through to the finish which to me was more like, "Just hold on!"

I hope everyone interested is able to stop by the Saloon to check out "Still Lexie." I will announce the date as soon as possible.

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