Thursday, July 22, 2010

French Onion Soup?

Yet another message bleeped its presence, just moments after I had intentionally not answered the ring. I saw that it was him on the line and, exactly like the previous 3 times, I did not pick up. Hadn’t I made myself clear during the exchange of stuff that routinely concludes the let’s-call-it-done segment of most relationships? I had been looking for more than just friendship and it was obvious that after our short, very short, time together it was not happenin’. When I said, I’m just going to enjoy the rest of my summer with the good friends I already have, it must not have registered and you continue to e-mail, and phone, leaving messages that shout We are friends, always have been, and always will be! even though our present became our past in just 3 weeks. So no, I don’t want to call you with the recipe for, or come over and make, French Onion Soup!

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The Veery

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