Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"Still Lexie" My Final Edit

Yesterday I read my book after Heidi did her stuff, proofreading and editing, and made my final changes. After Heidi makes those changes I guess I'll be ready to publish. There are questions regarding permissions I will need to get. Many people show up on my pages and I have been as factual as possible with dates and durations. Also, I have leaned towards kindness whenever possible because I do not want my story to cause anyone discomfort.

I'm dealing with is a photo of Edwin Moses. He appears in a Sports Illustrated photo with me during the 1980 Olympic Trials. It is their photo so I guess I get their permission but there are other celebrity-like people who I refer to in stories; Mary Decker, Alberto Salazar etc.

But I can use those names in my blog without permission - I am only assuming even though I know I am making an ASS out of U and ME. So I wonder if I need to for my book. My publisher will certainly give me insight but I'm trying to get ahead of the problem because I am tired of dealing with "Still Lexie." Not just kind of tired, I am totally drained; weary to my core.

I started the book eight years ago and had it on me to do list for a couple of years before that so I think I can say it has been in the works for ten years. Ten is a good number, so I'll use that.

I think I will go with my kids' suggestion for the cover photo; a picture of me hurdling as a Duck. I know that was only part of my life to date but I think it is most of the reason I decided to write my memoir. Without my successes on the track I would not be able to make the comparison my tragedy brought; my journey took me from  'the top of my game' to not even carting the med kit or water.

You may be tired of my 'almosts' but it really is coming down to the line. Stay tuned, some more.

The Veery

It took some convincing but I was allowed to drive, alone, to visit a very old friend at her cabin, the Veery, outside Great Falls. Althou...